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Invitation for a team tournament
Invitation for a team tournament BdF CS-E-1

 BdF CS-E 

--- Grouped team tournament for 2 teams in 1 groups having 3 boards ---
Dead line:Dead line for sign on was Sonntag, 28. Mai 2006 um 23:54 Uhr
Begin of Tournament:Sonntag, 28. Mai 2006 um 23:54 Uhr
Organizer:Deutscher Fernschachbund
Turnierleiter:Christian Taulien
Telefon: 0177 3124886
Reflection time limit:• 30 Tage für 10 Züge
• Ohne Ansparen der Restbedenkzeit
• Automatically complain on exceeding reflection time limit by 1 or more days
• Erinnern wenn 21th Tage ohne Zug
• Warnen wenn 28th Tage ohne Zug
• Beenden wenn 35th Tage ohne Zug
Playing mode:• double rounded
• Registration order is drawing order
• 1 groups each having 3 boards (means: 3 players per team)
Tournament rules:remoteSchach
Ø Elo team strength:no limits
Registration:  The invitation is obsolete. Tournament is running or is done already.  
Valuation:Games will affect the players RS-Elo.

Do you want to create an own team? Click [here].

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