| Ständige Ausschreibung für schnelles einrundiges 7er Turnier |
Begin of Tournament: | The tournament starts automatically, as soon as 7 players signed on. |
Organizer: | remoteSchach |
Turnierleiter: | Tony Ruprich (trx) EMail: trx@trx-world.de |
Reflection time limit: | • 10 Tage für 10 Züge • Ohne Ansparen der Restbedenkzeit • Reflection time exceeds of 1 or more days will be claimed autoatically. |
Mahnsystem: Hilfe | • Erinnern wenn 4th Tage ohne Zug • Warnen wenn 6th Tage ohne Zug • Beenden wenn 8th Tage ohne Zug
Playing mode: | |
Tournament rules: | Gespielt wird nach der Turnierordnung von remoteSchach |
tournament vacation: | Common vacation contingent. (60 days per calendar year and player) |
Participation fee: | remoteSchach-Members for free; otherwise 2,50Euros |
Players strength: | no limits |
Titelanforderungen: | no limits |
Valuation: | Games will affect the players RS-Elo. |
Registration: | Right here on the website. Simply log in with your remoteSchach user name and pass word and click "Join" here on the invitation page. For full members of remoteSchach it's free! If you're not a remoteSchach full member, you have to buy a tournament license for 2,50€. Pay to: Our bank connection By paying the 2,50€ you recieve the authorisation to take part on a common remoteSchach tournament, as long as it is not shown different. It's possible to pay for more than one tournament at one time. More Infos, e.g. how to pay with PayPal, click here. Anmeldungen sind jederzeit möglich. After begin of tournament, a new invitation is created automatically. |
Benutzerwertung: |
Do you like this invitation? |
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